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Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

0 Upgrade Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 Desktop and Server

With the release yesterday of Ubuntu 10.10, on 10/10/10, I decided to put together a brief tutorial on how to upgrade your Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop or Server to the lastest version, Ubuntu 10.10. Before beginning, there's a few things we expect you've done:
  • Be sure you apply all updates to the edition of Ubuntu that you're currently running
  • If you're running a dynamic website, put it into maintenance mode, just to be on the safe side
  • You should probably read the release notes for Ubuntu 10.10, which outline any known problems or issues you may encounter during your upgrade
  • We suggest backing up your system (really, we do)
To upgrade Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 to 10.10:
  1. Type Alt+F2 - this will open a "run" window
  2. In this box, type (without quotes) "update-manager -d"
  3. This will open the update manager window - at the top of this window, you should see "New Ubuntu release '10.10' is available": click the "Upgrade" button next to that.
  4. Proceed with the on screen instructions
To upgrade Ubuntu Server 10.04 to 10.10:
  1. Install the package "update-manager-core" by typeing the following: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
  2. Type the following to allow update-manager to offer the option of upgrading to regular releases, not just "LTS" releases: sudo sed 's/Prompt=normal/Prompt=lts/g' -i /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
  3. Now, simply tell your system to start upgrading: sudo do-release-upgrade -d
  4. Follow the instructions on screen
And that covers the upgrade process! Hope this helped out!

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